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We respond positively to all enquiries from baptisms (Christening a child is another term for the same thing).



This are conducted by the Bishop, as required, for candidates prepared by the Priest. Anyone who has been baptised, or (in special cases) is preparing for baptism, may present themselves for confirmation, which is regarded as the re-affirmation of one’s baptismal vows. Recent church practice in New Zealand is for candidates for confirmation to be over the age of 16 years.


We welcome enquiries from couples seeking a Christian wedding or marriage blessing.  Services will usually be taken by the Parish Priest or another Anglican Priest.



The Priest, as soon as possible after being notified, will contact the bereaved family to offer support and spiritual guidance, and to discuss the format of the service.  Ministry is offered to bereaved families irrespective of their church affiliation, and every effort is made to provide a funeral service which is appropriate to the circumstances of the deceased and their family, working alongside the funeral director.



On the Sunday nearest to the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (3rd October) we hold our annual Blessing of the Animals. This is open to all, humans and animals, and you don’t have to be a parishioner to bring along your family companion – all creatures great and small are welcome.



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